Check Domain Mismatch:
Verify that the reCAPTCHA keys used in your application match the domain of your website. If you are testing on a different domain or subdomain, you may need separate reCAPTCHA keys for each domain.
27-Nov-2023 at 08:42 PM
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Update Allowed Domains:
If you are developing on a local environment (localhost), make sure that you have added localhost or your specific local domain to the list of allowed domains for the reCAPTCHA keys. You can do this by logging into the reCAPTCHA website and editing your k
27-Nov-2023 at 08:42 PM
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Check reCAPTCHA Configuration:
Make sure that the reCAPTCHA keys (Site Key and Secret Key) you obtained from the reCAPTCHA website are configured correctly in your application. Ensure that the domain associated with these keys matches the domain where your application is hosted.
27-Nov-2023 at 08:41 PM
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News & Media
Keep in mind that the actual number of characters you can store may be affected by factors such as character encoding. Always refer to the documentation of the specific database management system and data type you are using for the most accurate informati
27-Nov-2023 at 08:40 PM
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The VARCHAR2 data type can store variable-length strings with a maximum length of 4,000 characters.
27-Nov-2023 at 08:39 PM
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The VARCHAR data type can store variable-length strings. The maximum length is determined by the storage engine but is commonly set to 65,535 characters.
27-Nov-2023 at 08:36 PM
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